
You might have landed on this page because you’re going through some stuff. I get it. Life is hard.

I know because I’ve really been through the fire these past couple years. From dealing with a painful divorce to recent heartbreak, to getting laid off from work, it was hard to imagine that there were silver linings in my story, but that didn’t stop me from looking for them.

Maybe you feel the same way… 

You thought life was going to be a beautiful fairy tale..but it’s a dumpster fire instead.

Maybe you’re heartbroken, let down, or just have questions like what in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks happened to my life? 

Or maybe you’re so fed up that you’ve become numb to the faith that used to inspire you. Maybe you’ve also stopped trusting yourself in the process.

If so, you’re in the right place. 

we’;lI never approach things from a place of piety (because eww), but instead I share about my own crazy life in the hopes that it will inspire at least one person to trust God when it hurts, turn to Jesus in times of crisis, and not be afraid to be a real human being. 

Together we’ll discuss train wrecks like divorce, dumpster fires like dating, shame and learning to trust again, dive into scripture, share a cup of coffee, and definitely have a few laughs along the way. 

The Christian life doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t need to be confusing or hard. Even when life is hard, we don’t have to give up or let our spirits get down. I don’t say this in a toxically positive way. I’ve hit rock bottom and then slithered along that grimy mess. I’ve cried out to God and begged for circumstances to change…and they didn’t. I get what pain is. But, I also know that by looking for joy even when life hurts can help ourselves move forward and avoid the “why me?” question (Although, sometimes we need a good why me moment, and that’s ok too!)

If you’re ready to dive into some stories about being a human in this crazy world with a little snark, a touch of sass, and a whole lot of Jesus, welcome. 

If you landed here looking for a speaker for an event, a podcast guest, or a guest writer on the topics of divorce, dating after heartbreak, living through grief please get in touch. If you need an audiobook narrator, feel free to reach out, or head to meliemedia.com for my narrator website. 

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